Marketing Department

EDCL is only stateowned pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. It has 155 products for exportation including Oral Saline Cephalosporin injectable items. EDCL is exporting its products to developing and under developed countries and it is earning foreign currency. Its product may be seen in its web site: Presently EDCL Marketing are rendering the best services by supplying essential drugs to the Health Sector. Specialized Hospitals and Medical Colleges, Govt. & Non-Govt. Institutions, NGOs as well as in the International Health Service with the associate of WHO, World Bank & UNICEF Health Service Project. Meantime EDCL has already started its exportation activities to Myanmar and Vietnam. The company is searching overseas customer who are interested for import our products. The company does not compromise with quality. Hence its products are wider acceptable. Latex Male Condom: Another sister company of EDCL is Khulna Essential Latex Prokolpo, which has started production of Latex Male Condom as per international standard. However, it will product condoms, as per End Buyers specification.

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